Update on search for new reviewers and more

Update on search for new reviewers and more


Around the middle of last month, I added a post to the site mentioning our interest in bringing in a couple of new reviewers. The response was really overwhelming, as we had a ton of interest in the position – definitely more than was expected. We ended up receiving a ton of applications so it took me a little over a month to respond to everyone’s initial emails, read through samples, and think about who would be best for the position.

We’ve now notified the people we’ll be moving forward with. I want to thank everyone who showed interest initially as well as for their patience during the decision-making process. I truly appreciate it.

But the search for new blood is never over! Right now we’re considering expanding our translators team. If you believe you’re knowledgeable with Japanese and have what it takes, please send in an email here (select “Site Position”). Note that it’s technically an unpaid position, but we’ve been slowly moving towards compensation. Also, unlike the recent reviewer position, we’re much less certain about how many people we’ll add (if any). We’ll only expand the team if it makes sense for everyone involved. Thanks!


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