The best PC games from Humble’s Female Protagonist Sale

The best PC games from Humble’s Female Protagonist Sale

From a daughter trying to save her father and clear her name to a young woman dealing with her anxiety by summiting a mountain, badass, vulnerable and complicated women take the spotlight in Humble’s Female Protagonist Sale. Some excellent PC games featuring women in leading roles are discounted by up to 90 percent this week.

The games included in Humble’s sale are some of the best the medium has to offer, showcasing the enormous potential for female-led games. The titles span genres and styles, from AAA action games like Dishonored 2 to cult-favorite indies like Celeste and Crypt of the Necrodancer. There are lore-heavy epics and intimate, personal stories. And Her Story is one of the most unique games we’ve ever played.

My personal favorite is Gone Home, the Fullbright Company’s story-based mystery game that is largely about a queer girl coming to terms with her sexuality. Fullbright’s follow up game, Tacoma, is also included.

According to data pulled by the non-profit organization Feminist Frequency, only around eight percent of games showcased at E3 this year featured a female lead. (24 percent were led by male characters, while 50 percent allowed players to choose their gender.) Clearly we’ve still got a long way to go when it comes to representation in video games.

More highlights from Humble’s Female Protagonist Sale are below. The deals end on Oct. 8.


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