Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Five Ways to Become the Ultimate Shinobi

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Five Ways to Become the Ultimate Shinobi

Sekiro: Shadows Die twice is the critically acclaimed samurai-slasher developed by From Software. As with all titles associated with the talented team behind the project, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice stays true to the tried and trusted formula, of challenging, risk-and-reward gameplay. Besides, the ‘Soulbourne’ games are notorious for their heightened sense of difficulty.

Though there are stark similarities, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice differs in many areas too. Most notably, in aspects of level traversal. But also, via a revolutionized combat system.

To help you with this darkly themed twist on Feudal Japan we’ve compiled a list of five ways to help you become the ultimate Shinobi. Without any further or do let’s harness all that inner zen and unleash the warrior inside of us.

Master Your Prosthetic

At face value, this clunky, old-fashioned looking tool, may hold all the appearance of an ancient, outdated device. However, this artificial limb acts as a fully-customizable gadget. That is if used correctly. Firstly, it doubles-up as a grappling hook. Unlike other games in the From Software canon, players can traverse the games dystopian environments with improved verticality.

Cleverly, this allows the player to explore new areas. But perhaps more crucially, it gives the player greater tactical powers over the enemy. For instance, you can sneak up on foes with stealth. Or escape a tight spot at ground level. Not only that, but the custom limb is fixable with many makeshift weapons. Such as the loaded axe, which disables shields. Or the loaded umbrella, that fends off strong attacks.

Conversely, the spear can pull enemies towards you, leaving them vulnerable to the counter-attack. With that in mind, master the pros of each device, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming the ultimate Shinobi.

Combat: Patience Is A Virtue

Sometimes, there’s an urge to rush in all swords blazing. However, in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, this tactic is ill-advised. Mainly, because each foe you encounter has a different set of moves. Although low-level combatants can be defeated using the standard block, parry, and counter methods, more challenging opponents bring a whole new set of obstacles to overcome.

Perilous attacks are power blows dealt by the enemy; these are can’t be defended against, so timing is critical. That said, spending plenty of time assessing the enemy is vital if you wish to gain the upper hand. Often a little patience at the crucial moment will leave them exposed. Thus, opening them up to the Shinobi death blow, a strong attack that deals significant damage. On that note, always assess the situation, and never act in the heat of the moment. 

The Art of Deflection

In truth, the art of defence is often underrated. To become the ultimate Shinobi, you’ll need to fluidly switch from an attacking stance to a more aggressive approach. The deflection system absorbs the enemies attack, allowing you to break the enemy’s rhythm and initial line of defence. But more than that, each successful deflect, tops up your Shinobi Death Blow. When the time is right, you’ll be able to use this critical hit to your benefit. Seize the moment, and strike when the enemy is most vulnerable.

Stealth Your Way to Victory

Contrary to other games in the From Software catalogue, which tend to force the player to engage the enemy head-on, the all-new stealth system in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice brings a new dynamic to the table. The stealth system, if utilized correctly, can work to your advantage in a whole host of ways.

For instance, you can sneak up on unsuspecting foes, perform stealth kills, and eavesdrop for enemy intel. All of which can help you bypass the enemy without actively engaging. Also, tall grass acts as a cover. All the while, keeping you out of the enemy’s line of sight. Use it to get from A to B without detection.

Never Lose Spirit

As you can guess, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice contains many bosses, which require the use of your prosthetic enhancements. However, Spirit emblems fuel these abilities, and it’s easy to get tempted into battle without replenishing. These are obtainable in several ways. Mainly, via the Sculptors Idol in trade for coin. But also, from downed enemies as dropped items. Always make sure you’re topped up before a boss battle. The prosthetic is a powerful tool. Make sure it’s available for use when you need it most.

All in all, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a complex game with many systems driving its internal engine. By mastering these top-tips, you’ll be more than equipped to tackle the demonic forces that stand between you and the end goal.

We would like to hear from you. How did you beat the game? Also, do you have a go-to strategy that assures victory? Let us know in the chat. As always, we appreciate your comments.