PUBG drops below million players for the first time in over a year

PUBG drops below million players for the first time in over a year

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds for the first time in over a year dropped below the million daily players mark, according to SteamDB.

PUBG drops

PUBG has been seeing a slow decline in daily players, definitely much less than the 3.2 million peak player count it had earlier in the year. As the year has progressed, that peak has only become smaller. Yesterday, it went down to 960,000 players. Although, we should still keep in mind that 960,000 is not a number to scoff at either.

On the same day, we also saw Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’s Battle Royale mode, Blackout, at least the beta. While that was exclusive to PS4 pre-orders for the game, it could easily have contributed to the drop in player count for PUBG.

The most obvious reason for the drop in players is most probably Fortnite (and the plethora of other Battle Royale games that keep popping up), which have lured away large percentages of the battle royale enthusiasts.

So, does this mean PUBG is dying? Far from it really. It’s still very much an active and successful game. One need only look at a game like WoW, which has been around for ages, lost over half it’s player base, but still towers over any other MMORPG in the business.

It’s been known for a while now that PUBG has been plagued with bugs and optimization issues, many of which have driven a large number of players away. In response to that, PUBG Corp recently announced that they were working on trying to fix their game, which players have been complaining about for over a year now. They feel like they haven’t met expectations for the game, their words, not ours. We’re inclined to agree with them. Let’s hope they actually fix their game, then most of us would probably go back to it, because despite the bugs and glitches, we did have a good time while play PUBG, you can read our review for it here.




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