Pizza Titan Ultra delivers the goods to Xbox One

Pizza Titan Ultra delivers the goods to Xbox One

If you’ve ever been left shocked by the delivery times of your local pizza establishment, and thought you could do better, then Pizza Titan Ultra lets you prove your worth… just that you’re delivering this food in a giant mech!

Available now on Xbox One, Pizza Titan Ultra sees you taking control of a giant mech, before going off on a rampage to deliver pizza. See, this isn’t just about getting the food to your customers in a timely manner, oh no. This is about smashing the hell out of the city in the process with 32 crazy missions taking you all across town, allowing you to utilise the 3rd person action adventure mechanics and fighting opportunities that are in place.

Priced up at £9.99 – considerably cheaper than a large stuffed crust – expect to find a game that builds on humour from the get-go, and letting you build your own customisable mech with fancy paint jobs and additional parts. In fact, if you wish to wear a giant cat head whilst delivering this pizza, you can. It may not be the most advised of outfits though.

If you wish to get in on the pizza delivery scene and reckon that mech control is the way forward, get yourself over to the Xbox Store and nab a copy of Pizza Titan Ultra immediately.

Features include:

  • 32 crazy pizza delivery missions in 8 awesome handcrafted zones of the city
  • Highly replayable challenges with randomized, escalating waves of enemies and delivery locations
  • Saturday morning level entertainment with a campaign of VIP (Very Important Pizza) deliveries
  • Laugh out loud funny dialogue as you pursue pizza and justice in Galactic City
  • Ultra customizable mech with unlockable parts and whatever paint job you feel keeps you looking radical
  • 4 ultra moves to meet the needs of your delivery mission
  • Totally destructible cityscape – be safe or smash the place
  • Wear a giant cat head as you fight mouse-eared tanks to serve fast food

Game Description:

Pizza Titan Ultra is a fast paced 3rd-person action platformer focused on fighting and smashing through a futuristic city, in a giant mech, to deliver pizza. Experience arcadey action with speedy attacking and dodging, while attempting to control the massive weight of a 10 storey mobile pizzeria – just try not to make too much of a mess!


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