From Software is working on two unannounced games

From Software is working on two unannounced games

Dark Souls director Hidetaka Miyazaki confirmed that his studio, From Software, is currently working on two unannounced games, both of which are in the developer’s established wheelhouse of challenging, third-person combat in elaborate, layered worlds.

Speaking to 4Gamer.net, Miyazaki discussed a June 2016 interview in which he said the studio was working on 3.5 games. One of those, we’ve since learned, is the forthcoming Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, while the “half” game in the list is the PlayStation VR title Déraciné. Miyazaki confirmed that the two remaining games were unannounced titles, and not Dark Souls Remastered or Metal Wolf Chaos XD, both of which were projects requested by outside companies.

“While it isn’t the time to discuss details, they’re both [From Software]-esque games,” Miyazaki said, as translated by Gematsu. “We’ll need a little more time, but we’ll be able to tell everyone more about them once they take shape.”

The Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice release date is right around the corner, so we don’t have long to wait before we’ll be able to play a new From Software title. Miyazaki dispelled the notion that the Bloodborne Easter egg spotted in Déraciné was a hint at a sequel in the works – “that is pure mischief,” he said, explaining that the reference was simply a reflection of the team’s love for Bloodborne.

Miyazaki didn’t offer any further details on two unannounced titles, other than to say that they’re both distinctively From Software games, and as we know, that usually means dying repeatedly, whether you’re playing as a Chosen Undead, Hunter, or a one-armed Sengoku-era shinobi warrior.

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